Niklas Luhmann

Why Systems? A film by Saima Jawed

The German sociologist Niklas Luhmann has provided one of the most elaborate theories of society available, as well as numerous works on specific aspects of society. Commonly labeled as “systems theory,” this is but a shorthand description of Luhmann’s theory. In fact, the theory rests on at least three main theoretical pillars. In addition to systems theory, a theory of social evolution and a theory of social differentiation play important roles. The present article introduces these three pillars and describes Luhmann’s theory of politics in this context. It outlines the crucial difference between a theory of politics as part of a theory of society on the one hand, and political theory as a reflective theory within the political system on the other hand. More specifically, it introduces Luhmann’s accounts of the notions of political power, differentiation, the state, political steering, and the self-description of the political system. The contribution concludes with some observations on the fact that Luhmann’s theory has tended to overlook the dimension of international politics, but that his theory provides opportunities to account for it in innovative ways.

Albert, M.  (2019, December 23). Luhmann and Systems Theory. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Retrieved 17 Apr. 2020, from
La sociología de Niklas Luhmann parte 1

“¿Cuáles son las condiciones de posibilidad del conocimiento científico?” es una de las preguntas centrales de la indagación filosófica y epistemológica desde Kant hasta nuestros días. En torno a esta pregunta se constatan varios desarrollos empíricos y reflexivos desde diferentes visiones disciplinares y tradiciones del conocimiento. Como sostiene (Morandé, 2009), la sociología no ha participado de este debate hasta la irrupción de Niklas Luhmann, quien con su teoría de los sistemas sociales autopoiéticos basados en la comunicación tiende las líneas directrices para una nueva exploración sociológica de la ciencia y de los saberes epistemológicos.

Becerra, G. (2014). CIENCIA Y CONOCIMIENTO EN LA TEORÍA DE LOS SISTEMAS SOCIALES DE NIKLAS LUHMANN. Sociologia y Tecnociencia, 4(2), 16-39. Retrieved from
Niklas Luhmann – Beobachter im Krähennest